Spot for Clean Energy Revolving Loan Fund
The distinguishing characteristic of these public funds is that they are evergreen in the sense that the repaid principal and interest from loans made are re-issued to other loan recipients. In this way, the program funding “revolves” over time.
SPOT for Clean Energy Partnership
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What are brownfields?
Brownfields are any vacant, abandoned or underutilized real property the development or redevelopment of which is hindered by the reasonably held belief that the real property may be environmentally contaminated.
Why are brownfields important?
Delaware has more than 750...
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The City of Wilmington’s Office of Economic Development and the Grow America Fund (an affiliate of the National Development Council) have partnered to launch the Grow Wilmington Fund. Together, we are working to help small- and medium-sized companies grow their businesses in Wilmington. With longer loan...
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True Access Capital is a not-for-profit, federally certified, Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that supports small businesses and community development projects. As a CDFI, True Access Capital is required to provide at least 60% of its lending and technical assistance activity to underserved populations. True...
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EligibilityBusinesses within the City of WilmingtonPrincipal(s) has direct experience in the industry for at least two yearsGood Business PlanAdequate personal credit historyClearly defined and accessible target marketLoan SizeMaximum $75,000Minimum $5,000Loan RateDepends upon project, collateral and ability to repay. The initial rate is based off of...
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