Get Back to Business: Resources for Assistance

8 Jun 2020
Two new funding opportunities were created to help Downtown Wilmington DE establishments get back to business after the past few months.
Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP)
The Delaware Department of Justice created the Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program for businesses that were damaged or vandalized following the peaceful demonstrations. VCAP can assist Delawareans with crime scene cleanups (up to $1,000) and personal safety property (up to $1,500). If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please call VCAP at (302) 255-1770.
The Wilmington Strong Small Business Fund
To support small businesses citywide that are recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, Barclays US Consumer Bank, Cornerstone West, and Wilmington Alliance are announced The Wilmington Strong Small Business Fund. Through a public-private partnership, local economic development organizations have joined forces to ensure Wilmington businesses will remain open for years to come.
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