Regional Profile

Wilmington, DE

Population Demographics

As of 2024 the population of Wilmington, DE is 72,931. The population is expected to shrink to 72,643 by 2029 - a growth rate of -0.08%.

The median age of Wilmington, DE residents is 37.

The diversity index of Wilmington, DE is 69.3, meaning that there is a 69% chance that any two people selected out of 100 residents will be of different race or ethnicity from one another.

Housing and Income

The average household income in Wilmington, DE is $87,669 and projected to be $101,217 in 2029. Per capita income is $38,273, projected to be $45,393 in 2029. 3.29% of households – 2,398 – have an income of $200,000 or higher. Average net worth is $587,857 and the average disposable income is $66,302.

There are 36,246 housing units in Wilmington, DE; 14,295 are owner-occupied, 17,517 are rented, and 4,434 are vacant. The average home value is $317,970, with 1,328 homes built in 2010 or later, and 15,859 built in 1939 or earlier.

Business and Workforce

There are 5,138 businesses in Wilmington, DE, employing 74,848 workers and pulling from a labor force of 33,483 age 16 and above. 246 workers commute into Wilmington, DE from outside the county or state. Key industries for the area include:

27,692 residents both live and work in/around Wilmington, DE. The average travel time is 22.7 minutes. 1.92% people have a commute of less than 5 minutes while 2.85% commute 90 minutes or more each way. Of commuters, 21,786 drive alone, 2,187 carpool, and 2,801 take public transportation. 2,637 use other modes of transport such as motorcycle, bicycle, walking, etc. 3,974 residents work from home.

16,670 members of the workforce hold a high school diploma or GED. 3,007 have associates degrees, 9,735 have bachelor’s degrees, and 7,858 hold a graduate or professional degree.

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